Healthy Start


Healthy Start


This program is for the beginner. Are you confused about all the conflicting diet information out there? Tired of trying different diets, counting calories and macros?

No matter what your health goals are, these steps will set you on the right path. By following these tips and ideas in the program we will boost your metabolism, improve your digestion, improve your relationship with food, and most of all empower you to find healthy foods that you love!

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This plan is set up as a 6 week program; however, you can work ahead if you like, or take longer with each step as needed. There is no rush. My goal for you is to create lasting habits, these take time. Each week we will be covering a couple of topics, some food or health based and some emotional or mindful. We will look at what your inner dialogue around food is, your current eating habits and how to improve them, how to make eating your vegetables tasty and easy, what your cravings mean and how to work with them, and some lifestyle tips to get you started on your path to a healthier you!

My plan is not only to educate you to make healthier choices, but to give you some tools to use too. And of course, there will be recipes! Because good food is where it's at.

I try not to tell you what not to eat; I'd rather focus on what to eat more of. Each person has their own biochemical needs and we will explore just what your body needs to get back on track to feeling your best.

This 39 page book is a digital download. please save your copy as the link will expire after 24 hours.