Lymphatic Drainage Cleanse

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Lymphatic Drainage Cleanse


Your lymphatic system is connected to every system in your body. It is critically important in keeping you healthy. As the fluid in your system gets too sluggish or full of toxins, your muscles can’t get the blood they need and your organs feel painful and tight, resulting in low energy levels.

·        Without your lymphatic system, your cardiovascular and immune systems would actually begin to shut down.

·        The lymphatic system is responsible for distributing fats (triglycerides) as a source of energy in-between meals. When this doesn't happen optimally, fatigue is likely to occur.

·        Poor lymphatic flow can contribute to high cholesterol as the debris in the veins doesn’t get cleaned up effectively.

·        Your lymphatic fluid “washes” your brain each night and clears out debris. This helps clean out plaques and toxins that can lead to memory problems and mental fatigue.

·        The lymphatic system will take up and process any undigested fat and protein particles from the stomach and intestine that are too big to pass blood vessels and enter the bloodstream. Upon accumulation, this can cause weight gain and contribute to allergic reactions.

·        The lymphatic system supports a stronger immune system through its detoxifying action against wastes and toxins that pass through any of your other body systems.

Are you beginning to see why lymphatic drainage is so important?

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The lymphatic system is a giant drainage and filtration system for the body. Without it, we’d all be at risk of internally drowning in our own waste. In order for your body to function properly, your system needs to flush and to stay unclogged and flowing just like the plumbing in your own home.

Signs of a Congested Lymph System:

Many of the signs of a congested system go unnoticed because they are common place. Because its effects are far-reaching, if there is a physiological problem in the body, such as with the brain, heart, lungs or skin, the lymph system is often the first check to see what has gone wrong. Effective lymphatic cleanse can be a simple start to fix many of your body’s ailments.

  • Swelling in hands, fingers, legs, feet, ankles

  • Poor concentration, forgetfulness

  • Frequent headaches, migraines

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Sore, painful, stiff joints and muscles, especially on waking

  • Weight gain for unknown reasons

  • Easy fatigue

  • Dry, sagging, wrinkling skin

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Food or chemical sensitivities

  • Breast swelling during your cycle

  • Chronic sinusitis, colds, sore throats, or ear issues

  • Skin problems

  • Cellulite

  • Low immunity, frequent colds and viruses

  • Increased allergies

  • Clogged ears, excess ear wax

  • Inflamed tonsils of other lymphatic glands

  • Arthritis

  • Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

This Cleanse protocol provides you with accessible ideas for lifestyle changes, movement, simple tricks and tips to help move your lymphatic fluid better for every body. You can incorporate them into your daily life or do it as a 2-4 week cleanse. This 22 page booklet provides you with a sample day of Lymphatic cleanse as well as dietary recommendations and recipes.