I Don't Do Weight Loss

I’m not a weight-loss coach, and I won’t apologize for it.

I know some amazing weight-loss coaches, but that’s just not me.

I’ve been told time and again, that if I want to make a name for myself in this business, I need to design a weight-loss program. I have resisted because it never sat right with me, and now I can finally recognise why. Your appearance is of little consequence to me (although your skin, hair and nails can tell me a lot about your health!).


I’m so sick of society’s obsession with weight and “a perfect body”. Weight is just a symptom, nothing more. What does concern me is your health. Your weight can be an indicator of a deeper issue, and that’s what I am interested in. Is it a sign of insulin resistance? Is it because of hormone imbalance? Do you have digestive issues, mal-absorption or nutritional deficiencies? Is it inflammation caused by food sensitivities or medications? Do you have illnesses that are contributing to your weight? Is it a sign of deeper emotional issues? These are all areas I love to delve into.

My goal is to get my clients healthy! Yes we will almost always talk about food and how you eat, but I’m also very concerned about your relationship with your body. What do you tell yourself about your body? what do you tell yourself about food? My job is to help you feel healthy again, in every way, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Don’t get me wrong, I really love to talk about food. And I really do try to be completely non-judgemental - don’t sugar-coat (ha!) your food journal, I want to see the real you! I’m happy to meet you where you are at, and help you meet- and adjust- your food goals.

My approach is always teaching healthy eating skills. No diets! We need to learn to undiet. There is no magic Pill that will help you lose weight. There is no one diet that is the perfect solution. Severe restrictive diets only create unhealthy patterns and unhealthy relationships with food. I want my clients to have a healthy relationship with food, with exercise and with themselves.

Healthy bodies can come in all shapes and sizes. And as your body gets healthier, your weight will often balance itself out too. Yes it will take some work, and some time. I would much rather see you happy and healthy, losing weight slowly and sustainably, than on a severe diet, dreaming of all the food you can’t eat and hating yourself when you cheat on your diet.


What does it mean to be healthy?

If you are completely healthy, you should be able to eat food and not feel ill. (Now I’m talking about real food- not processed chemical crap disguised as food!) You should be able to have cake at a celebration. You should be able to enjoy dessert when you want to. You should be able to eat out with friends. Everything in moderation. Your body should be able to rebalance itself. You shouldn’t have to be extremely strict with your diet if you are completely healthy. This is my goal for each of my clients: To have the freedom that being healthy allows.

For anyone struggling with your weight I’d like to tell you this: your weight is not the problem. Your weight is a symptom of the problem. Your body is not your enemy. Your body is trying to protect you. There are reasons that your body is the way it is. Let me help you uncover why. Let me teach you how to heal. Let me help you see how amazing your body really is.


If you are ready to work with me, I can be contacted at thenaturalpath@sasktel.net, or for an in office appointment call Market Mall Family Chiropractic at 306-955-5900

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2018