COVID Response

I dance with DancEgypt, and our annual dance show was recently postponed, like so many events. We were disappointed that all of our hard work and frantic sewing seemed in vain. But at the same time, many of us were relieved to get more time to perfect our moves and our costumes.

I’d like to look at this novel-COVID outbreak in a similar manner. This is a great opportunity to reset, to educate people on what is really important to support your own body, to boost the immune system with the foods we eat, healthy habits and taking care of your mental state. This is really important stuff, and why I do what I do. Remember your body is designed to fight off viruses, this is what your immune system does. Your body has an innate wisdom that orchestrates all the functions of your body. The best thing you can do is to give your body all the support and nutrients it needs to effectively do its job.

I want to share some of my favourite tools to use with you. My goal is to educate and empower you. The more you know the less there is to fear. To replace that feeling of helplessness with a wide variety of tools to use and tasks to work on. Let’s get you prepared!


We’ll start here because these are simple things that most people can do, with little to no cost. And honestly, it’s the little things that we do everyday that can make such a huge impact on our lives.

Mindset- Our world has gone a little crazy. Do everything you can not to feed the fears or the nastiness. We have this amazing opportunity to be the good we need to see in the world. Everyone is going through something here. Smile at each other, nod, acknowledge each other as a sign of solidarity. Remember we still have to share this planet once this virus is done.

Community- Check in your neighbours, especially older ones. We need to support each other, even in isolation. Offer to get groceries and other tasks. Do a good deed a day, a random act of kindness. Find ways to support other families in your neighbourhood. Social distancing doesn’t need to mean total isolation. Be a good neighbour.

Mental Health- If social media or the news is making you anxious, step away when you can. Start to focus on the good things in your life. This is a great time to start a gratitude journal. Just jot down the good stuff in your life as often as you can. This is a great practice to do with the whole family.

If you get unexpected downtime, take this opportunity to tackle those things that you said you wanted to do or never had time for. Read a book, start exercising (at home) or walking, feed your creativity, do a puzzle, take an online course, clean out a closet, declutter your email box, make a recipe you’ve been wanting to. You have many opportunities to do more, not just binge watch Netflix and eat junk all day! No judgement there, I do think unwinding and relaxing are very important too! Just try to embrace this break as a gift, and take the time to improve your life.

Sleep - Get enough sleep! Sleep is when your body does its best repair work and healing. Rest when you are unwell. Stop trying to do everything and just rest for a while. You will recover faster and the rest of your community appreciates you staying home. Getting adequate sleep is essential to a healthy immune system.

Outside- Get outside as much as you can. Especially as our weather warms up, really notice and appreciate all the little signs of spring as it arrives. Go for a walk outside as often as you can, it boosts the mood, the immune system (vitamin D) and is great physical activity. Maybe throw a frisbee around, play catch with your dog, help someone with yard work. Get your feet and hands in the dirt! Soil is full of microbes that are fantastic for boosting your mood. Dirty therapy! The kids will love it!

Get adjusted- Take good care of your body. Chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, reflexology all are supportive to your state of mind and your immune system.

Gargle- Gargling with salt water, diluted raw apple cider vinegar or a herbal decoction (tea) can help prevent upper respiratory symptoms. Simply gargle for 15-30 seconds 2-3 times per day. Ginger, sage, calendula and phytolacca are all great herbs to gargle with. See below for other herbal suggestions.

Laughter-Laughter IS the best medicine. When things seem so serious and anxious, sometimes the best thing you can do is laugh. Laughing increases the immune system. Laughter is great for the heart, burns about as many calories as a good walk and works several muscle groups. Find the joy in the everyday, play games, tell jokes, have fun! When was the last time you really had fun? I think as adults we need to start making fun a priority more.

Support local- Our community small businesses will need your support more than ever. Small business and self employed people will be hit hardest by all this. Keep them in mind when you are ordering take out, buying books, natural remedies and other things.

Hygiene- Obviously wash your hands, cover your cough and be mindful.


Food is the foundation of the body. Everything you eat becomes part of who you are. This is a great opportunity to really look at the effects food has the your body, and what you can do to boost your immune system, just by changing what you put in your mouth.

  • Fruits and vegetables- Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can everyday. Try to eat 5 different colours every day. Start to eat the way you know you really should. Cut out the junk and start supporting your body so it can do its best.

  • Probiotics- Invest in some good quality probiotics or fermented foods to help your body fight of infections. Eat naturally fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi. Drink fermented drinks like kombucha, water or milk kefir. All disease begins in the gut, so make sure yours is healthy and full of good gut flora.

  • Bone broth- Mineral rich, full of nutrients to help the body heal, this is a staple for any cold or flu.

  • Lisa’s Ginger- Lemon-Turmeric- Cinnamon Drink- Great for immune boosting, cuts inflammation, relieves congestion and mild respiratory symptoms. This recipe will be sent out to everyone on my email list. Many of you will have it already!

  • Cut out Sugar- Cut back on all processed sugar. Sugar depresses the immune system.


Homeopathic remedies


all removed to comply with the government’s censorship of promoting natural health products. Demand a repeal of Bill 47 sections 500-504. see for more information

I really hope this has given you some ideas, some tools and most of all, some hope. We will get through this. We need to look out for each other and build up our community despite the distance we need.

I do have special considerations for those with weakened immune systems, respiratory weakness and other groups at risk. I want you to know I am keeping abreast of the latest information and stocking adequate homeopathic remedies and supplements to help you.

I love to see my clients in office, but if you are unable to come in, please let me know and we can follow up by distance. I will continue to do phone, email and video consultations as needed. Remedies and supplements can be mailed out or dropped off locally if needed. Please Contact Lisa for more information.

Please feel free to contact me for extra support. I want to see each of my clients, and our community come out of this stronger and healthier than before.

Wishing you all good health and peace,

Lisa Paul

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified healthcare provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2020
