Serious Detoxification

Detox seems to be on everyone’s mind lately. I’ve had so many inquiries about it in the last couple of weeks that it seems easiest to just do a blog post and put all my information out there for you to take as you’d like.

Normally the body does it’s own detoxification quite efficiently and effectively. Your body is designed to detoxify on a daily basis. If you eat well, sleep well and minimize your stress, your body may be able to handle a small amount of toxins daily. However with some substances and in some conditions, extra support is needed. Some people do not process certain toxins well and can have ill effects when others can handle the same substance seemingly very well. With our world exposing us to greater amounts and types of toxins than ever before, it may be a good idea to be mindful of how well your body is detoxifying.

Signs you may not be detoxifying well:

  • Skin problems, acne breakouts, dry itchy patches, slow healing wounds

  • Neurological tics, twitches, numbness, tingling, tremors

  • Foul breath, foul gas, excessive body odor

  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight

  • Allergies, food sensitivities, scent sensitivities, auto immune disorders

  • Diarrhea, IBS, vomiting, nausea

  • Poor sleep, restlessness, insomnia

  • Mood disorders, depression, inattention, poor memory

  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, confusion

  • Weakness, chronic fatigue, lack of mental or physical energy

  • Hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, early menopause

  • Or any sudden onset of symptoms after a chemical exposure

As a Nutritionist and Homeopathic Practitioner detoxification support is often a part of my regular practice. Serious detoxification is an important step for some clients to get past persistent problems that have previously been unresponsive to treatment.

A detoxification plan may include:

  • extra liver, kidney or lymphatic support;

  • dietary changes for a certain period of time;

  • drainage support remedies such as gemmotherapy and herbs;

  • a parasite cleanse;

  • specific supplements or homeopathic remedies to help the body flush out specific chemicals that have been ingested or injected;

  • detox baths, foot soaks or teas and more.

All of these practices help the body systems remove blockages so that the body can get back to it’s normal self healing and renewing cycle.

Detoxification tools:

Gemmotherapy (plant remedies similar to herbal stem cells) and Herbs are excellent at promoting drainage. Drainage is key to good detoxification as all elimination pathways need to be functioning well to eliminate toxins during the detoxification process. Without proper drainage toxins may be mobilized within the body and recirculate causing more problems rather than being flushed out.

Homeopathic remedies are exceptional at detoxification as they tend to work on the body at a molecular level and a nano-molecular level. This allows the remedies to assist flushing out deeply rooted toxins and repairing the organs and systems of detoxification. Homeopathic remedies can be made from toxins in order to help the body detoxify them specifically, such as anti-venom is made from snake venom. These remedies target specific chemicals to bind them and flush them out of the system.

Food is also a powerful detoxifier when used properly. It is a tool available to most everyone and should not be over looked. What you put into your body is of utmost importance in how your body will function. Common foods like greens, turmeric, ginger, celery, cucumber and citrus fruits can be part of a detoxification program. Soups, smoothies and juices can be helpful for detoxification. I have recipes for some of my favourites.

A word of caution: serious detoxification can be an uncomfortable process and should be undertaken with proper consideration and supervision. The person’s detoxification and elimination pathways need to be open and proper rest needs to be allowed for. Some common side effects of detoxifying too quickly include: headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold symptoms and fatigue. Ideally even serious detoxification should be done gently enough to minimize discomfort. Trying to detox too quickly and improperly can do more harm than good by flushing toxins into the bloodstream without means to eliminate them effectively.

Special circumstances

Many people are facing situations where they must make decisions about heir health in order to continue working. There is support for you if you need it.

I offer personalized support consultations by phone, video and in office. If you have a history of or risk factors for cardiovascular issues, respiratory issues or neurological issues, please contact me for additional support. If you are experiencing ill effects after a procedure please contact Lisa for additional support to promote healing and repair.

This is one of the better protocols I have seen out there for specific support. I appreciate the use of herbs and supplements. I would also recommend some homeopathic and gemmotherapy remedies to support detoxification and drainage as well as individualized support.

I believe in a multi faceted approach to healing. The better shape your immune system is in, the better equipped your body is to handle toxins and detoxify them well. The better your mental and emotional health is, the better your body will recover. I work with a great team at Market Mall Family Chiropractic and can recommend additional support as needed.

As always, my job is to support your health and listen to your concerns. I offer no judgement only support. We are in this together, this is our world.

Much love to you all,

Lisa Paul RNCP, RHom, ROHP, CH

The information provided here is to educate, not to prescribe, diagnose or treat any disease.  Nutritional consultation is to promote optimal health and correct possible nutritional imbalances. For the diagnosis or treatment of any disease, please consult a your trusted health care professional.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2021