gut healing

Lisa's Gut Healing Protocol

Why is your Gut Health so Important?

Digestion is how your body absorbs all the nutrients from the food you eat and the process of eliminating excess waste. Acid reflux, gassiness, belching, indigestion are all signs of a digestive system that needs more support. Digestive upset is more than a minor inconvenience. It is a sign that your body is having difficulty assimilating your food. This can lead to illness and nutritional deficiencies.

Digestion is the ground work for all health. You need to be able to fully break down your food into usable nutrients that are readily absorbed by the intestines and taken up into the blood stream for use in cells. Your food becomes the energy that your cells produce. This energy is used to fuel your body, mind and repair all of your cells and organs.  The remaining food matter sweeps the colon and carries waste outside of the body. If any step is malfunctioning disease can occur.

All disease begins in the gut; therefore all health begins in the gut as well. A healthy gut equals a healthy body, and a healthy gut equals a healthy mind.

If you have anxiety, depression, poor concentration or any mental or emotional symptoms, you need to work on your gut.

If you have skin problems, rashes, hives, eczema, psoriasis, dry cracking skin, you need to work on your gut.

If you have food or environmental allergies, or sensitivities, you need to work on your gut.

If you have been diagnosed with any disease, you need to work on your gut.

If you have auto immune disease, you really need to work on your gut.

If you have hormone imbalances, you need to work on your gut.

If you have low energy, chronic fatigue or chronic pain, you need to work on your gut.

All illness begins in the gut. That’s why this protocol is so important. Homeopathic medicines can assist your healing and improve your health faster, but those must be prescribed on an individual basis and are not included in this protocol. For your personalized recommendations please make an appointment with Lisa Paul. This protocol will focus on nutritional, supplements, some herbs and lifestyle supports to promote healing. You will be able to take a quiz to allow you to personalize the level of support you need through this protocol.

How was my gut damaged in the first place?

Damage to your digestion, gut microbiome and intestinal lining can happen a multitude of ways. So many of these things are common in our everyday lives that we don’t even realize the damage it is doing to our overall health.

  • Not drinking enough fluids/ water can lead to constipation or slower bowels as fluid is needed to move matter through the intestines. When matter doesn’t move well, it ferments, causing gas build up, bloating and yeast and unhealthy bacteria overgrow.

  • Pain medications like tylenol, ibuprofen and other medications damage the intestinal wall. This causes poor nutrient absorption, and can cause inflammation or allergies as food particles can get through to areas that they are not meant to.

  • Not eating enough fibre, fruit and vegetables damages digestion as a variety of fibres are needed to feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Without those healthy fibres, the most beneficial bacteria will die off and be replaced with poorer strains or yeast overgrowth.

  • Food additives, chemicals, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners can all damage the intestinal lining. Pesticides and insecticides damage all of digestion. Chemical in our air, in our cleaning products and our personal care products can damage the mucousa of our nose, mouth and digestive tract.

  • Stress decreases our body’s ability to digest our food. Food is not broken down as well then it ferments in the gut causing discomfort and poor bacteria and yeast overgrowth. Not only is this uncomfortable, it also reduces the amount of feel good chemicals that are made in the gut, making it harder for your to unwind and feel happy.

All of these reasons and much more are why I created the Gut Healing Protocol. When you are ready to work on the biggest factor that will impact your overall health, this is the right step for you!

 What to expect during this protocol:

This Protocol is designed so you can personalize it to your specific needs. First you will complete a quiz to determine how much support you need through this protocol. Based on these results you will complete 3 to 5 different stages of the protocol and are able to add additional supports as recommended to promote your body’s healing capabilities.

There are dietary restrictions during this protocol. Certain foods are restricted or eliminated because they tend to be inflammatory, mucous forming or irritating to the digestive system or whole body. These restrictions are temporary, designed to allow your body time to heal, to do that repair work that is too difficult to do when your body is constantly exposed to these inflammatory foods. The goal is always to be able to eat in an unrestricted manner.

All supplements and herbs recommended are for general use. Some supplements may not be right for you. If you take prescription medication you may want to talk to your pharmacist or make an appointment with Lisa to determine which supplements will be best for you.

There are dietary and non- dietary lifestyle supports at the end of the booklet that can be used throughout the protocol. There are links to purchase discounted supplements in each stage if you prefer to use the “easy button.”

Above all, I hope this program helps you connect to your body and your food. I hope you listen to your symptoms as messages and not punishments. I hope you fall in love with good food and eating in a way that supports your body. I hope you heal.

Lisa’s Gut Healing Protocol is now available!

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified healthcare provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2024

Your Body may be Holding onto Weight - Part 4

Part 4

I don't stress weight loss but it is a big deal to some people and I respect that. When clients come to me saying that they just can't lose weight, I reframe it to:


There are 5 main areas I assess When people struggle with their weight: Sleep, Nutrition, Inflammation, Hormones and Digestion.

As a general rule I don’t “do” weight loss, I’m not a fan of diet culture, restriction and deprivation. I believe in the importance of carefully designed therapeutic diets that help the body heal and then allow the person to go back to eating well. I believe the human body will find it’s own perfect set weight when the body is healthy and well supported. Strict diets and over exercising only stress the body more. Find out more in this previous blog.

I started this series of posts on my Facebook Page and Instagram, and I thought it would be worthwhile to put it in blogs for easy reference. It will be a series of blog posts. Here I can add extra tips and links that I don’t have room for elsewhere.

We made it through the typical hormones, now let's look at brain chemicals or the "happy hormones." Your ongoing mood and emotional state can definitely affect your body composition.

I think it’s really important to note that your mood affects your whole body, including your eating habits, ability to be active and how your body holds weight. It’s not all in your head!

Hormones: Dopamine

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects your mood, focus, energy, and behavior. It involves your reward centers and the motivation to achieve the reward- the wanting vs the enjoying. Dopamine is often termed the “feel good” chemical in your brain, it impacts your feelings, internal motivation, memory, attention, body movement and productivity. Individuals with reduced dopamine levels can struggle with depression, obesity, and other health conditions including Parkinson's disease.


If you'd like a self assessment checklist for dopamine imbalances, please message me (one per person please). Keep in mind that hormones don't act alone, where one if off, there are other imbalances.

There are plenty of ways to increase Dopamine naturally. If you'd like help to improve your hormones please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.

Hormones: Serotonin

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps with impulse control, pain relief and is often called the "happiness" hormone. Although it is a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) over 70% of your serotonin is made in your gut. So if you digestion is off, then your mood, pain tolerance and impulse control can suffer.

People can have low or high serotonin levels. Low levels contribute to other health problems including migraines, asthma, IBS, weight gain and fibromyalgia.

High serotonin levels are usually caused by other medications. High levels contribute to health problems such as irritability, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, tremors, muscle rigidity, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, sweating and IBS.


If you'd like a self assessment checklist for serotonin imbalances, please message me (one per person please). Keep in mind that hormones don't act alone, where one if off, there are other imbalances.

If you'd like help to improve your hormones please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.

Hormones: GABA

GABA is another neurotransmitter that has links to good gut health. GABA is a calming and relaxing chemical, it helps stop over and active mind and persistent thoughts. Constant tight muscles (neck and shoulders- leading to tension headaches) can be a common sign of low GABA.


If you'd like a self assessment checklist for GABA imbalances, please message me (one per person please). Keep in mind that hormones don't act alone, where one if off, there are other imbalances.

If you'd like help to improve your hormones please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.

Hormones: Growth Hormone

Growth hormone affects just about every cell in the body. It effects our feelings, appearance and body composition. It is often considered the youth hormone, but it decreases as we age and with other hormonal changes. As Growth hormone decreases inflammation and other signs of aging increase.


If you'd like a self assessment checklist for growth hormone imbalances, please message me (one per person please). Keep in mind that hormones don't act alone, where one if off, there are other imbalances.

If you'd like help to improve your hormones please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.


If you've been following along these past few weeks, you'll see that each of the areas (sleep, digestion, inflammation and Nutrition) and hormones I've talked about are interconnected, and there are multiple other organ systems involved. Each of these areas needs to be functioning properly for you to reach your goals. So if you're looking for a simple solution or a magic pill for weight loss, unfortunately there likely isn't one.

The real secret is in treating the whole body, respecting the systems by providing the right nourishment and allowing the body to rest and relax as needed.

A healthy body is a happy one. And when the body and mind are happy, healthy and balanced, your weight will balance out too, in the majority of cases.

If I have convinced just a few people to give up a fad diet or to stop over exercising and work on achieving a really healthy body, that all of this will have been worth while.

Much love to you all <3

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified healthcare provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2021

Why your body may be holding on to weight- part 2

Why your body may be holding on to weight- part 2

I don't stress weight loss but it is a big deal to some people and I respect that. When clients come to me saying that they just can't lose weight, I reframe it to "Your body is not able to let go of weight right now, let's find out why." Let’s look at digestion, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Is your body holding on to weight?

Is your body holding on to weight?

I don't stress weight loss but it is a big deal to some people and I respect that. When clients come to me saying that they just can't lose weight, I reframe it to

"Your body is not able to let go of weight right now, let's find out why."
This blog looks at Sleep, Inflammation and Nutrition