Metal Madness

Detoxing the body of heavy metals, toxins and poisons

We are all exposed to toxins in our life, no matter how careful we are. When you really start to think about it, toxins are everywhere, in our food, in the air, in our cleaning products, in our furniture and mattresses, our clothing, our skin care products, things we put on our body or in our body. There are metals in our cookware, toxins used in the medical field: anesthesia, narcotics, chemotherapy and other drugs, not to mention medical or travel X-rays and other scans and contrast dyes that leave their imprint on the body too. Some of these are necessary, some are unavoidable, so what can we do about it?!

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Some people have no problem detoxifying these toxins, their bodies are efficient, their liver and elimination pathways (kidneys, skin, lungs, intestines and colon) are working really well. Other people are not as fortunate. Some people have a much lower tolerance for toxins in the body, and the body become overwhelmed. Certain toxins will accumulate more in certain areas of the body. This will manifest in many different ways. Toxicity can show up as sleep disturbances, skin eruptions, mood and behaviour changes, indigestion and malabsorption, respiratory issues and more. For as many people there are on earth, that is as varied as the reactions can be. A qualified Health Practitioner, like Lisa, can help you identify signs of toxicity in the body.

Some signs of (mild to moderate) toxicity include:

  • Constant Fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Persistent bad breath

  • Sensitivity to scents, chemicals and products

  • Skin problems

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Mood disorders


Metals are just one of the toxins that accumulate in the human body. A little bit may be tolerate with certain metals, but with some metals even a little bit is too much. There are many studies on the effects of metals in our bodies and our brains. I've included a few references for those who like to dig a little deeper. This one is on high amounts of aluminium in familial Alzheimer's patients. Toxic metals in Schizophrenia patients. Lead in people with anxiety and mood disorders. Of course infants and children are at an even higher risk, as their brains are still growing and developing. Mercury, heavy metals and aluminum can cause all kinds of behaviour, mood and social and emotional issues.

what can I do?

I always encourage caution when trying to detox the body.  A healthy body will detoxify with ease. It is vital to support the body first, open the elimination pathways, support the liver and digestion so that toxins will pass out of the body, not recirculate and make the person sicker. It is also really important to choose the right materials, remedies, herbs and supplements to help the body detoxify. Extreme caution should be used when working with the elderly, infants and children and those who have one or more illnesses. It is possible to do detoxification with these vulnerable people but it needs to be done slowly and carefully.

Detoxification can be done in many different ways using many different methods. Eating a clean diet and increasing certain foods can help the body detoxify. This is safe for most people. Detox baths, saunas, exercise and other lifestyle changes can help the body detoxify. Supplements, herbs, vitamins and other plant based medicines can be very helpful to open elimination pathways and support detoxification. This should be done with supervision and personalized recommendations for your situation and current health state. This is why I never recommend a "box detox kit." The box is one size fits almost none. The same things goes for any fad detox plan. Please just don't. I've heard so many people come to me after they've tried one and gotten so sick. Your body needs to be well supported before, during and after any detox program. For more information on dietary detoxing or cleanses, check out my previous blog post here.

This is where homeopathy shines

Homeopathic medicines and gemmotherapy excel at supporting the body, removing toxins from the body and promoting healing afterwards. These are my most used tools in detoxification. They are gentle and effective for all ages when used appropriately, with minimal side effects. However caution should always be used when using homeopathic medicines in this manner it is still a detoxification process, careful monitoring should be used.

A skilled homeopath can use a remedy made from a toxic substance to help the body identify and target and remove toxins. The remedies are extremely dilute nano molecular medicine designed to support the body rather than attack the body. This great article by Dana Ullman here explains more. This is a great article on potentization. The increased restriction of Homeopathic medicines is alarming, it makes it more difficult to get the best remedies to target the toxins and help people detoxify. 

Toxins are everywhere. We can't escape them. However we can minimize our exposure and support our bodies to eliminate them efficiently.

I can't stress enough that any kind of detoxification should be done with professional support. Heavy metal or toxin detoxification should only be done by a qualified professional. 

Please contact Lisa if you have questions, concerns or are interested in a personalized detoxification program.

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2018