Is your body holding on to weight?

Part 1 of 4

I don't stress weight loss but it is a big deal to some people and I respect that. When clients come to me saying that they just can't lose weight, I reframe it to:

"Your body is not able to let go of weight right now, let's find out why."

There are 5 main areas I assess When people struggle with their weight: Sleep, Nutrition, Inflammation, Hormones and Digestion.

As a general rule I don’t “do” weight loss, I’m not a fan of diet culture, restriction and deprivation. I believe in the importance of carefully designed therapeutic diets that help the body heal and then allow the person to go back to eating well. I believe the human body will find it’s own perfect set weight when the body is healthy and well supported. Strict diets and over exercising only stress the body more. Find out more in this previous blog.

I started this series of posts on my Facebook Page and Instagram, and I thought it would be worthwhile to put it in blogs for easy reference. It will be a series of blog posts. Here I can add extra tips and links that I don’t have room for elsewhere.


Anyone who has gone without sleep for an extended period of time can tell you just how much it impacts your whole life.

  • Your concentration suffers, you get forgetful, and quality of work can decrease

  • your mood plummets, you get irritable, easily angered, or big mood swings

  • everything you want to do seems to take more effort and motivation is way down.

You may not know that lack of quality sleep also negatively impacts your hormones, your body's ability to regulate blood sugar and you're more likely to over eat and make poorer food choices when you are tired. Chronic sleep problems impair the body's ability to do normal repair and detoxification work that will leave you with more aches and pains, poor digestion and more inflammation. Learn more here.

7-8 hours of sleep is ideal for most adults. Are you getting enough?

For some self help ideas to improve your sleep, check out my previous blog on Insomnia and my Sleepy-time Cherry Gummy recipe.

If you'd like to improve your sleep please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.


What does inflammation look like? It can be

  • swelling or water retention,

  • redness or heat of the skin or in the joints,

  • poor digestion,

  • pain,

  • poor healing,

  • poor functioning of any part of the body,

  • chronic fatigue,

  • weight gain,

  • allergies,

  • high blood sugar,

  • poor concentration

  • and much more!

Inflammation is a product of a variety of issues. Inflammation can result from eating foods that don't agree with you, not enough sleep, too much stress, environmental exposures, and some medications.

And No, anti inflammatory medications are not the long term answer! These simply tell your body to ignore the source of the inflammation, they don't resolve it.

If you'd like to decrease your inflammation please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.


Good nutrition is the building blocks of the whole body. Your body uses the nutrients from the food you eat to do the repair work it needs to, provide energy for activities and growth, and to keep your mind in tip top performance. If you are lacking energy, feeling sluggish or have trouble concentrating, or have poor skin, poor digestion or poor sleep, what you are eating and drinking can be to blame.

If you’d like some ideas to get started on your own, check out these previous blogs: Eating Right, and Back to Basics.

I don't recommend fad diets, calorie counting or macros. I want to help you find the foods that feel best for your body and that will help you heal. This involves mindful eating, tuning into your body's reactions to foods and trying new things. Lisa can coach you through all of theses.

If you are not ready to turn your diet around you can still benefit from supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies. Sometimes people find it easier to add these in first which allows them to start feeling better, which in turn gives them the energy and motivation they need to make changes to their diet. I’m willing to work with you at your level of comfort.

If you'd like to improve your nutrition please contact Lisa for a consultation. There are many options including Homeopathic medicine, herbs, certain foods and lifestyle tricks that can help.

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified healthcare provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2021